European Forage Association (EFA) acts as a platform to bring members from hay and straw associations from across Europe, together, for the mutual benefit of all.


  • To facilitate the international exchange of straw, fodder, and derivatives.
  • To defend, on an international level, the common interests of member organisations regarding the “product”,
    the “professions” of dealers in straw, fodder, and derivatives, and the “commercial function” in general.
  • To represent the profession within and around official international organisations.

Through these objectives, the association seeks to attain:

  • The study of all commercial questions relating to straw, fodder and derivatives.
  • The permanent improvement in contact between member organisations.
  • The establishment of international trading conditions, arbitration rules and practices.
  • In general terms, all other appropriate measures.

Board of EFA

President: Mr Karel Mercelis (BE)
Secretary/ Vice President: Mr Graham Lawman (UK)
Treasurer: Ms Jeanette Breedveld-Speksnijder (NL)
Member: Mr Erik Alders (NL)
Member: Mr Hans Otto Sørensen (DK)
Member: Mr Lorenzo Laliena Sanz (ES)
Member: Ms Anne Onder De Linden (FR)
Member: Mr Benoit Laurent (FR)
Member: Mr Fritz Neuhöfer (DE)

Members of the EFA

United Kingdom
The British Hay & Straw Merchants Association (BHSMA)

Federation Belgium Fourages (FeBelFo)

De Danske Halmleverandører

The Netherlands 
Nederlandse Vereniging van Handelaren in Stro, Fourages en Aanverwante Produkten (Hisfa)

Asociación Nacional de Industriales de la Paja (ANIP)

Bund Deutscher Rauhfutter-, Fourage- und Torfhändler e. V.

Association Les Professionnels de la Paille (ALPP)
Green & Yelow (member without an organisation)


Hisfa (on EFA)
Braillelaan 9
The Netherlands

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